Bakhouche Omar2024-02-292024-02-292019577-069-M Algeria is one of the countries with the largest thermal sources in the world, The use of curative thermal waters is a tradition over a thousand years in Algeria. they are today for most of them abandoned. The most famous in terms of quality and beauty to the east of Algeria. The objective of this study is to characterize the hydrochemistry of thermal sources by measuring physico-chemical of water to characterize the chemical profile in order to develop these sources for use in the therapist, useful for countries development such as Algeria. From the graphical representation of the Piper diagram of water steam in hammam El Salihine are likely sodium chloride are reliable for Rheumatology, Children, respiratory, Rheumatology, Dermatology, Dentistry, Neurology, and thermal techniques are numerous. It may be drinking cures, cures external baths, showers, hot local applications, use of steam or thermal gas, mud.frCARACTERISTIQUES PHYSICO-CHIMIQUES ET THERAPEUTIQUES DES EAUX THERMALES DE HAMMAM ESSALIHINE WILAYA DE KHENCHELAThesis