A. AbboudiB. MeddourB. ChermimeH. DjebailiM. Brioua2024-02-132024-02-132016-04-12http://dspace.univ-khenchela.dz:4000/handle/123456789/679The zirconium nitride ZrN coatings are deposited on substrates of XC100 steel using physical vapour deposition (PVD) technique. Coatings based on nitrides of transition metals (Nb, Zr, Ti, V, ) developed by PVD are known to increase the life of cutting tools, and so they naturally have seen a rapid industrial growth. It is possible to produce ZrN-coatings with variations of nitrogen partial pressure, the residual stresses, the thickness of the thin film, and the friction coefficient depending on the nitrogen content. Usage of nitrogen is a good way to enhance wear resistance and effectiveness in tribological applications.enEffect of MoZrN Coating on a Steel XC100Article