A. DJELLOUL2024-02-162024-02-162004-01-14http://dspace.univ-khenchela.dz:4000/handle/123456789/1308We have investigated the growth conditions on the electric properties of ZnO thin films. Samples were deposited on (1010) , (0001) and (1120) Al2O3 substrates by the chemical vapor transport technique. At room temperature, the carrier concentration and Hall mobility were in the range of 21016 – 8.41018 cm-3 and 140 – 160 cm2V-1s-1, respectively. Results of temperature dependent Hall mobility measurements indicate there are different transport mechanisms at high and low temperaturesenPROPRIETES ELECTRIQUES DES COUCHES MINCES D’OXYDE DE ZINCPROPRIETES ELECTRIQUES DES COUCHES MINCES D’OXYDE DE ZINCArticle