الدكتور: عمار بالة2024-02-152024-02-152015-06-16http://dspace.univ-khenchela.dz:4000/handle/123456789/1162شكلت الهجرة السرية من بلدان جنوب المتوسط إلى الدول الواقعة على شواطئه الشمالية بعدا مهما ومتميزا من أبعاد سياسات التعاون الأورو متوسطي ، حيث مثلت الهجرة تحديا وفرصة في آن واحد امما تعزيز الشراكة الأورو متوسطية ، نظرا لاتصالها وتشابكها مع قضايا أخرى مثل البطالية البيئة الاستقرار السياسي The illegal immigration from southern Mediterranean countries (the Arabic one), to the northern (the European) is still forming an important dimension to the Euro- Mediterranean cooperative policies, it appears as an opportunity as well as a challenge at the same time toward the Euro- Mediterranean partnership, due to its complexity and its relation with other issues: the unemployment, environment, political stability, demographic and economic situation in the Arab countries even in the European ones. The European perceptions about “Illegal immigration” as a “mobile security threat”, pushed the European Union to launch a several initiatives of different dimensions (covered mostly by a security premonitions), oriented to the southern Mediterranean countries. Starting by “Barcelona process” as a contractual framework determines relations between the two Mediterranean's shores, down to the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) as an attempt to treat “the illegal immigration phenomenon” –particularly – which coming from the south Med-countries radically, by encouraging them to promote the good governance means, and support The economic/ social development, and for reforms concerning -mainly- the internal affairs and justice sectors.otherمدركات الاتحاد الأوروربي لظاهرة الهجرة غير الشرعية وتأقيراتها على سياسات التعاون الأورومتوسطي (سياسة الجار الأوروربية نموذجا)Article