Mechtab Khaoula - Yallaoui Salsabil2024-03-022024-03-022020 The research examines or investigates the foresight concept in affecting the literature following the dawn of time till this very best day and its effect in shaping literature as well as all the other aspects of life. This thesis offers a new understanding of Benjamin Disraeli’s concept of foresight and futurism, as much as it does to introducing foresight in a non-science novel. When diving through the different psychological historical and social features that help in shaping the hologram of the Jewish foresight, we were able to get a clear look on how ideology is constructed and hence reflected. Furthermore, our work tends to portray the struggle of minorities in earning recognition and demolishing Alienation and inferiority and hence our work is centered on all that moved by the zeal of exploring the change these subgroups could make in the world just through their world view. “I always believed in Dizzy, that old Jew saw in the future.” (Winston Churchill, Never Despair. Martin Gilbert, 1945-1965). These words are enough to summarize what our entire Thesis is about, withdrawing Disraeli’s Jewishness, his foresight and virtue, and the Disraelian influence he left thereafter 60 years of his death. As a statesman and t the, it portraits Disraeli’s Jewishness, his foresight and it comes as proof to the persistence of his Myth, and to the Disraelian view that emerged after him. Regarding the fact that Disraeli belonged to a persecuted minority that put him in face of alienation and inferiority, we are to explore how his struggle for recognition made him a prophet in the eyes of the coming generations. To render all that better understood is to reveal the psychological and historical value of Disraeli’s art and argument in relation to the future very moment an alien to his contemporaries and men he encountered.enIntroducing Anglo-Jewish Foresight in Victorian Anglo-Jewish Novels Benjamin Disraeli’ TrilogyThesis