Saidi kaoutherSalib rayene2024-03-022024-03-022022577-205-M Khenchela is one of the states that suffer from an increasing demand for water resources in its various regions due to the importance of this substance,The reason for choosing the subject of the research was in order to clarify the physical- chemical characteristics of water and its nature. That is why we chose the municipality of al- Mahmel in the wilayat of khenchela as a point for studying the chemical-physical propertces of water and comparing the evalution of its quality during the previous years , the hydro-climatic study shours that the study area is study area is characterized by a semi-arid climate . The hydrechemical study of the water of the municipality of Mahmel amoad us to determine the characteristics of the water in the wilayat of khenchela through its physical and chemical properties. We worked on knowing the characteristics of each sample in the Algerian water laboratory, after obtaining samples from several points located in the areafrEtude des paramètres physico-chimique des eaux de la commune d’El Mahmel (w.Khenchela)Thesis