AGGOUN KhaoulaMERABET Sabrina2024-03-012024-03-012020577-156-M The vital nature of water and its scarcity, and changes in consumption by the population in our paid requires a concrete support for its management, particularly wastewater. The recent recovery of their treatment and treatment will increase the capacity of water, to impart part particular needs of the agricultural and industrial activity and reduce environmental pollution. In this sense, we analyzed the management of wastewater from the city OumElbouaghi (AinBeida ) into the valley has became an open sewer, the result and that these waters heavily loaded with substances chemical, microbiological, metals and minerals are in contact with ground water resources including analysis of samples show a high concentration of pollutants harmful to human health and the environment. The waste waterconstitues a contribution interesting for the irrigation and the agricultural development, however the agronomic use of worn water can involve a medical risk on the consumer, whom it is advisable to evaluate objectively. Our study consists With carried out experimentation on various treatments, with two mixtures out ot running water for that we chose four treatments : * E0 (water courant) *E1 (waste water) *E2 (50% prifiedwaste water + 50% running water). For this purpose of the analyses physicochemical and bacteriological were realized on rough worn water, the dnnking water and the two mixtures in order to supplement this study on the agronomic and biological level, an experimetation in full field was carried out on an haricot vert culture in a light ground muddy, sandy structure.frVALORISATION, ETUDE ECOTOXICOLOGIE DE Le HARICOT VERT A PARTIR DES DIFFERENTES CONCENTRATIONS DES EAUX USEES DOMESTIQUE DANS LA S.T.E.P AIN ELBAIDAThesis