Laadjel Afef - Bouaoune Wassila2024-03-022024-03-022018 This research work attempts to show the main reason for using digital materials to achieve a better reading comprehension. The purpose of this study is to determine whether students prefer to read from e-books or printed books. The sample chosen was the students of foreign languages at secondary school and teachers of English. A descriptive method was used, the work includes three chapters. The first chapter is about reading skills (digital versus traditional). The second chapter is about the effects of digital reading on reading comprehension. The third chapter is about the analysis of the questionnaire. A questionnaire was the adequate tool to gather relevant data. The findings of this study conclude that foreign languages students enjoy and prefer reading from screen because of technologies and usefulness of digital materials such as computer, tablet and smart phones. Also the fact that teachers are convinced about the importance of screen and its effects on student’s reading comprehension and retention, but they still prefer to deal with traditional concept of reading because they find it more practical in teaching.enDigital Reading versus Traditional Reading And its Effects on Reading ComprehensionThesis