BELHADDAD YassaminaBAALI Ahlem2024-02-292024-02-292018577-051-M Groundwater is the main source of drinking water supply and irrigation for the population of the Garaet El Tarf watershed. In recent years, groundwater quality has deteriorated in many parts of the basin as a result of the expansion of agriculture. The study of the intrinsic vulnerability mapping of the resources of this aquifer consists of evaluating the sensitivity of the resource to any form of pollutant introduced from the surface of the soil based on the physical properties of the environment. The DRASTIC method combined with a GIS has been applied to assess the vulnerability of this aquifer system. The results show that the study area is divided into four vulnerability classes. The highest DRASTIC indices are mainly located in the Oum El Bouaghi and F'Kirina region. This is explained by the nature of the relative permeable lithological formations in this area. Areas with very low and low vulnerability occupy El Garaet and all surroundings up to the south-west of the basin, it’s because the clay cover forming a natural protection and the low permeability of the aquifer.frESTIMATION ET CARTOGRAPHIE DE VULNÉRABILITÉ DES EAUX SOUTERRAINES ET RISQUE DE CONTAMINATION (CAS DU SOUSBASSIN GAREAT EL TARF)Thesis