BENAMRANE Kaouther2024-03-022024-03-022019 The present study aims at exploring developmental dyslexia as a phenomenon among EFL learners in general and dyslexic pupils atBougerraMuhammed middle schoolKhenchela in particular. Adopting a descriptive method, the dissertationaims at describing the two variables, dyslexia as an independent variable and EFL learners as the dependent variable. Data are collected through a mixed methodology based on qualitative method (Classroom Observation) and quantitative method(pupils’ questionnaire). The results of this study showed that the nature and the structure of the English language poses more difficulties to those dyslexic pupils. On the basis of these results, the hypothesis is confirmed, that is dyslexic pupils should learn English but not in the same way their non-dyslexic peers do. Thus, to avoid the phenomenon of leaving schools at a young age by dyslexic children, we have to be aware of developmental dyslexia, its effects on learners, and how to reduce, or eliminate it.enDevelopmental Dyslexia as a Phenomenon Among EFL Learners Case Study: Pupils at Bougerra Muhammed Middle School KhenchelaThesis