ALIOUI KhadidjaBOUKHALLAT Karima2024-03-012024-03-012019-07-06577-082-M The main objective of our work is to assess the physicochemical quality of Sebkhet El Mahmel, and the description of the bird heritage it conting during April 2019. After the sampling strategy, we studied the effect of some physicochemical parameters in reference to international standards of water quality, wich are mainly : (temperature, pH, turbidity, calcium, magnesium, ammonium, sodium, potassium, nitrite, nitrate, chloride, bicarbonate, sulfates) of the water were carried out in the Algerian water laboratory(laboratory for analysis of drinking water quality) in khanchela. Our results show that water is developed chemically from magnesium chloride to sodium chloride, which depends on the geological nature (disintegration of the evaporation formations) and the intensive use of chemical fertilizers.The results also showed that the level of water polltuion in our study area is decreasing this year compared to the previous year. In addition, the life of waterbirds in Sebkhat oulad omara (El-Mahmel, khanchela) revealed only on thése kinds belonging to two families, the antidae family with two species (Common Shelduck and Mallard) and one type of Phœnicopteridae (Greater Flamingo) family. The drought and the level of water sebkhat oulad omara( El-Mahmel, khanchela) has a great impact on phenology, structure of the helicopters and antidae and their spatial and temporal distribution at this levely of water chart.frEtude de la qualité des eaux et inventaire des oiseaux d’eau au niveau de Sabkhet El Mahmel (Wilaya de khenchla)Thesis