Amrane Nour Elhouda Ferroudj Halima2024-03-022024-03-022020 Multilingualism and identity are two inseparable concepts that have been a subject of debates over the years. Algeria is a vivid example of the present work intended to explore Multilingualism and its relationship with the Algerian identity and examining this linguistic diversity from psychological and sociological perspectives. The research aims to present the periods where Algeria knew a great linguistic change through history, on the other hand, the study gives a historical study of multilingualism, differentiates between this latter with other phenomenon such as Bilingualism and plurilingualism.This topic has raised many questions including the attitude of Algerians toward multilingualism,if they were sticking to their identity and the situation of the existed languages. Accordingly, the following hypotheses have been set: Teachers have positive attitudes toward multilingualism, students stick to their Algerian identity despite being multilinguals. The results showed that the Algerians have a positive view toward multilingualism, despite their ability to master many languages that most of the time lead them to use more than one language to form one sentence. Yet, they are still stick to theiridentity.enReconnoiteringtheEffectofMultilingualismOnthe AlgerianIdentityThesis