بن مبارك مايةبوكماش محمد2024-02-162024-02-162018-07-31008-21702588-2287http://dspace.univ-khenchela.dz:4000/handle/123456789/1283يهدف هذا المقال دراسة موضوع مظاهر الحماية القانونية لحقوق الطفولة حسب التشريع المدني الجزائري، ونجد أن مظاهر هذه الحماية تبدو في نوعين من الأحكام القانونية، فيتمثل النوع الأول في الحماية القانونية المقررة للطفل والحفاظ على حياته منذ ولادته حيا، وهي ضمن أحكام المعاملات المالية من خلال حمايته كشخص قانوني يكتسب حقوق أو أثناء القيام بالتصرفات القانونية وقررها المشرع الجزائري في التقنين المدني، وأما النوع الثاني من الحماية المدنية المقررة للطفل فيتمثل في تقرير أحكام الأحوال الشخصية المنصوص عليها في القانون الأسرة الجزائري، ويكون ذلك من خلال تقرير الحقوق الأسرية المتمثلة في حقه في ثبوت النسب، الميراث، النفقة، والوصية وغيرها من الحقوق، ومنه تكمن اشكالية البحث حول مظاهر الحماية القانونية لحقوق الطفولة في التشريع المدني الجزائر The legal aspects of the protection of children's rights according to Algerian civil legislation Summary: The aim of this article is the study of the legal aspects of the protection of children's rights according to Algerian civil legislation, and we note that the manifestations of this protection appear in two types of legal provisions, the first type is the legal protection prescribed for the child and the preservation of his birth life, they are part of the provisions relating to financial transactions by protecting him as a legal person who acquires rights or carries out legal acts and decided by the Algerian legislator by the Civil Code, the second type of civil protection for the child is the determination of the provisions relating to personal status provided for in the Algerian law on the family, this is done through the determination of family rights of the right to prove ancestry, inheritance, alimony, and will and other rights, the problem of research on the legal aspects of protecting the rights of the child resides in Algerian civil legislation?. Keywords: civil protection, children's rights, minor, boy, child. Legal aspects of the protection of children's rights in accordance with Algerian civil legislation Abstract: This article aims to study the legal aspects of the protection of children's rights according to Algerian civil legislation, we find that the manifestations of such protection appear in two types of legal provisions, the first type is the legal protection prescribed for the child and the preservation of his life from birth alive, they are among the provisions of financial transactions by protecting him as a legal person who acquires rights or conducts legal acts and decided by the Algerian legislators in civil codification, the second type of civil protection prescribed for a child is the determination of the personal status provisions provided for by the law of the Algerian family, this shall be done through the determination of the family rights represented by the right to prove the descent, inheritance, alimony, will and other rights, the problem of research on the legal aspects of the protection of children's rights linked in Algerian civil legislation?.otherمظاهر الحماية القانونية لحقوق الطفولة حسب التشريع المدني الجزائريManifestations of legal protection of children's rights according to Algerian civil legislationArticle