CHENAKER HoudaSIFI Hana2024-02-292024-02-292017-06577-035-M The estuary of the Seybouse is the downstream of the second Oued in Algeria which drains one of the major watersheds of the country (6471 km2). On this basin isexercised in important anthropogenic activities from a number of 1508896 inhabitantsThis study was concerned for the first time the distribution and the flow of nitrogen,phosphorus and silicon through the estuary of Seybouse during the period between September 2016 (dry season) and April 2017 (wet season). It is to follow the evolution ofthese nutrients from the upstream end of the estuary to the mouth (Ultimatecrossroads of nutrient salts) in order to understand their biogeochemical transformationsunder the effect of the estuary. The analysis of the parameters of the general quality ofthe waters of the Estuary shows that the DIN is on average more abundant at the mouth (162 µM) that upstream of the estuary (62 µM) which reflects a production of 100 µM(176%). The Phosphorus follows the same behavior with high levels recorded at the mouth3,2 µM whereas upstream it represents only 1/10 (production of 3 µM (997%)). Thesilicon in the estuary shows a reverse distribution or there is retention of 34 µM (44%), it varies in effect between 75µM and 42μM to the upstream of the Estuary and the mouth respectively. In terms of flow which is in close relationship with the flow, the estuaryproduces on average 84t/year (136%), 9t/year (2064%) and 56t/year (31%) of DIN, PO and SiO4 respectively. The estuary of the Seybouse seems more enriches in DIN that inPO or the Report N/P is on average of the order of 137. The average value of the reportSi/N is found very low (Si/N=0.52) which allows to position among estuaries stronglyanthropisés. A point of view, biogeochemical the estuary plays a crucial role in the changesof the biogeochemical cycles of nutrients. these conditions the hydrological andbiogeochemical should have severe impacts on the estuarine system and on the operation and the production of the renewable resources of the Coastline receiver.frTRANSPORT DES MATIÈRES NUTRITIVES À TRAVERS L’ESTUAIRE DE SEYBOUSE (NORD-EST ALGERIEN)Thesis