Salah AberkaneFaculty of Human and Social Science, University of Khenchela, Algeria2024-02-182024-02-182018 A greater number of older adults now live with chronic illness. This poses a significant public health problem because older adults are at high risk for chronic illness-related mortality and morbidity. In the study, for self-management in older adults with chronic illness, 76 respondents (39.47% women; mean age, 64.53 ± 6.93 years) participated and nine subscales (illness consequences, illness coherence, illness timeline—cyclical, personal control, treatment control, illness representations, illness identity and causal attributions) of the illness perception questionnaire—revised (IPQ-R) were administered. Multivariable linear regression analyses explored the associations between illness perception, wellness-focused coping and illness-focused coping, as measured by chronic pain coping inventory. Higher scores on the subscales causal attributions, illness coherence, illness representations and personal control scales were associated with several scores of coping strategies chosen by chronically ill older persons. This self-regulatory model may provide a useful guide for the development of effective interventions tailored to older adults.enSelf-management in older adults with chronic illness: Do illness representations play a regulatory role?Article