 Hannachi Nada  Benedjah Chaima2024-03-012024-03-012023http://dspace.univ-khenchela.dz:4000/handle/123456789/2674ABSTRACT The current study aims at investigating the role of teacher’s gender on teacher-learners interaction and relationship. The basic hypothesis of this study sets out that there is a relationship between teacher’s gender and teacher-learners interaction. We opted for the mixed method design which combines both quantitative and qualitative designs in order to compensate the weaknesses and broaden the scope of the study. For the purpose of gathering the data, we applied three research instruments: A questionnaire designed for second year LMD English students at Abbes Laghrour Khenchela University with collaboration of 100 students, in addition, we have administered a written interview to four teachers (Two females and two males). Moreover, to confirm or disconfirm the results of the two previous tools, we have observed six sessions with second year students, three with a male teacher and three with a female one. The findings have shown that the gender of the teacher has a significant role in the teacher-students interaction. Also, female teachers have better teaching methods, techniques, and classroom management than males in the way that facilitates more the teacher-students interaction. The findings indicate that there are other factors that may take a part in the classroom interaction.enTHE ROLE OF TEACHERS' GENDER ON TEACHER-STUDENTS INTERACTION AND RELATIONSHIP THE CASE OF SECOND YEAR LMD STUDENTS OF ENGLISH AT ABBES LAGHROUR UNIVERSITY, KHENCHELAThesis