Benmoussa Amel2024-02-112024-02-112020 Hammam Sokhna thermal springs is located about twenty km south - east of El Eulma in South Sétifien. It is a large relatively flat depression on the northern limit of a salt Lake (Chott El Baida). A series of chemical and isotopic analyses (O -18 and H -2 ) of aquifers performed in the Hammam Sokhna area, a large sedimentary basin located in southern Setif, filled with Mio-Plio-Quaternary deposits, which rest on Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones, show that the superficial water table made up of thermal waters regroups waters with the most impoverished isotopic signatures. The recharge is ensured by meteoric water with an altitude effect. The recharge of groundwater moving in carbonate, karstified formations is ensured by meteoric water that underwent a slight evaporitic loss. The application of the various diagrams has shown that the chemical facies of the Hammam Sokhna area water is of the sodium chloride type. The binary diagrams show that the water mineralization is controlled by mineral dissolutionprecipitation processes and by cation exchange. Bacteriological analysis indicates that this water has a good overall quality.frcaractérisation physico-chimique Géothermique et microbiologique des sources thermales des hauts plateaux de l'est AlgérienThesis