KHENNAB Asma2024-03-022024-03-022020 The current study aims to investigate the influence of self-concept in improving learners’ level of achievement, it is concerned with hypothesizing whether self-concept affects learners’ level of achievement positively and successfully in their learning of English as a foreign language or not. With the intention of attaining this goal, a descriptive research is opted to describe the relationship between two variables: self-concept as the independent variable, and learners’ level of achievement as the dependent variable. A questionnaire was administered to a representative sample of learners to evaluate the major role of self-concept in increasing self-confidence and self-motivation among learners at Ayeb Derraji Middle School in Khenchela in addition to the effective learning strategies that play a critical part in developing self-worth of learners and boosting them to succeed and achieve better grades. The findings of this study reveal that learners’ self-beliefs, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy are considered as the most important constructs of self-concept that maximizes the participation of the pupil, encourages and motivates him/her to learn and to do his/her best to develop and improve a high level of achievement and performance; the higher is self-concept, the better will be the level of achievement.enBridging the Gap between Self-Concept and Academic Achievement Case Study: Ayeb Derraji Middle School PupilsThesis