HADJAB RAMZIGUELLIL RAHIM2024-02-292024-02-292014577-005-Mhttp://dspace.univ-khenchela.dz:4000/handle/123456789/2412The South of the Mediterranean contains many wetlands which lodge a very diversified watery avifauna. These little studied mediums represent a place of halt, wintering and nesting for avian numerous species considered as rare and threatened with the international scale. We project in this thesis to firstly put the point on the structure (inventory, composition, space-time occupation) of the watery avifauna of the wetlands of the high plateaus then to determine the part which can play these hydrosystèmes exceptional for the migration and the maintenance of the watery avifauna coming from Europe and Asia after their North-South migration. Our study, shows that the selected sites are of a great biological diversity. One counts about thirty avian species specific there to the aquatic environments.frSTRUCTURE ET ECOLOGIE DE L'AVIFAUNE AQUATIQUE DES ZONES HUMIDES DES HAUTS PLATEAUXThesis