Mokdad AsaadDjamaa Noureddine2024-02-292024-02-292014577-001-M and sustainable sound management of waste is one of the major challenges that humanity is called to face today and in the future, Algeria's population was 37.8 million inhabitants in January 2013, according to the National statistics Office (NSO), an Algerian daily produces on average 0.75 kg of solid waste per day. For disposal of these wastes, the direct management is predominant and landfill waste is the preferred option by the government. The private sector is still shy and seems to have no improvement. THIS management requires technical know-how and organizational needs that neither common nor public locally serian not currently able to meet, it would be desirable to introduce at training, specific training these new skills to address these deficiencies in the know-how.frTechniques d'élimination des déchets solides: Cas du centre d'enfouissement de Baghai - KHENCHELA-Thesis