Mrs. Ghenima Imane Mrs. Himeur Rayen2024-03-012024-03-012023 Mobile phones or cell phones are considered as more used terms especially in the 21C. In this regard, the main aim of this study is to investigate the teachers’ and students’ perceptions towards the use of mobile assisted language learning (MALL),in improving pronunciation in EFL classroom. In order to answer the research questions and achieve the objectives of this study, the researchers opt for exploratory descriptive method using interviews, were conducted with six (6) EFL teachers and questionnaires with 62students. The study was conducted in the English department Khenchela University during the academic year 2022/2023. The findings of the present study indicate that EFL Teachers and students have positive attitudes and perceptions towards using Mall in acquiring and developing English language in improving pronunciation. The challenges of using mobile apps tend to be beyond teachers’ and students’ control, and include internet issues or lack of equipment.enTeachers’ and students’ perceptions towards using Mobile Assisted Language Learning in improving pronunciation in EFL classroom. Case Study: Master one EFL students and EFL teachers at the University of Abbes Laghrour - KhenchelaThesis