Merzougui Fares - Goudjil Abdelhafid2024-03-022024-03-022019 The purpose of this study is to see how first language influence of First year EFL student’s writing at the Department of English; Abess Laghrour University of Khenchela in order to confirm or reject the hypothesis; if the students do not make negative transfer, their writing will be improved. To achieve this purpose a questionaires was administred to 25 student’s in addition to the analysis of their written production. The data that was gathered from both student’s questionnaire and the writing product analysis revealed that First year EFL student’s face difficulties and many challenges when they write due to their first language which leads them to commit a lot of errors in their writing while the analysis of their written production indicate that most of the student’s make mistakes in grammar (syntactic, lexical and semantic level) and the main reason for them is the use of first language rules.enThe Influence of First Language on EFL Learners’ Writing The Case Study: EFL First Year Students at the Department of English, University of KhenchelaThesis