The Role of Contemporary American series in Eliciting Depression Among EFL Learners
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• Agaba Mohamed • Aouaidjia Raouia
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For the fact that the aural skills are poorly tackled in the conventional classrooms, EFL
learners innovated and endorsed new contemporary methods, as they adapted and fused the
broadcasted media into the learning process; however, evidence suggests that media can influence
societal attitudes and beliefs, and exerts various social complications. This influence is especially
strong for mental health issues, particularly Depression, as we realize that the contemporary
American series is the preference and the choice made by the learners in order to trigger the
accidental learning, the particular contents that the latter introduce can be quite disturbing and raises
a major concern, the thing that steers us to raise the question, what if the consistent exposure of this
streamed contents would lead to shape mental health issues to the young generation. On the light of
the previous revelations, the investigation is going through the dilemma and setting a quest to figure
out the role of Contemporary American Series in eliciting depression among EFL learners.
Throughout the three chapters and by applying mixed methods approach and through the means of
a content analysis, the investigation scrutinizes into the contents of two chosen contemporary series,
highlighting the way in which the latter exerts its influence on the spectators and projecting the
violence and depictions related to the case. An audience analysis is also added for the sake of
perceiving the learners’ attitudes and opinions towards the matter, and gathering the necessary data
to measure the extent and the pervassivness of the phenomenon. The results obtained are quite
interesting as we validated the relation and association between the streamed products and
depression, and introduced the way in which the elicitation of depression occurs, as we realized that
the majority of the spectators are suffering from the mentioned symptomology, showcasing antisocial
behaviors and anxiety throughout the inquiry. The inspection goes further once we reveal the
role of gender in eliciting depression, as we come to know that its pervasiveness is more common
among female subjects due to their increased vulnerability.