The Implementation of Bloom's Taxonomy to Assess Students' Critical Thinking Skills: The Case of Third-year LMD Students of English at Khanchela University
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The present study intends to investigate and analyze the changes in the
development of the students’ critical thinking skills as a reaction to the
implementation of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. For this
purpose, the researcher used two questionnaires – one administrated to
students and the other to teachers - as instruments for collecting data.
Basically, the questionnaire designed for the students aimed at testing their
different cognitive skills of the students based on the six levels of the
taxonomy, in addition to the questions which are related to critical thinking
abilities. However, the questionnaire designed for the teachers was for the
sake of checking the extent to which they apply Bloom’s taxonomy in the
classroom in order to attain the underlined goals of the course and to engage
students in the learning process through practicing their critical thinking
skills. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The
results of the study revealed that when Bloom’s taxonomy of educational
objectives is better applied and used effectively by teachers, it helps in
assessing and developing the students’ critical thinking abilities due to the
strong relationship that exists between the mentioned variables.
Keywords: Bloom’s taxonomy, Cognitive skills, Critical thinking skills,
Implementation, The learning process.