Shades of White in Search for Identity in American-Jewish Literature Abraham Cahan The Rise of David Levinsky and “Yeki, a Tale of New York Ghetto”

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Abstract This research investigates the concept of acculturation and the psychological crisis in terms of forming identity and selfhood. These concepts have contributed in affecting and shaping Jewish literature during late 19th and 20th century and how American-Jewish literature have seen changes in style and writings during this period. Hence, this dissertation focused on the Jewish Diaspora as the chosen ethnic group to shed light on in the analysis of the chosen novels which had led to psychological conflicts to form an ambivalent psyche and character along with the suitable environment and surroundings they lived in, thus, this study offers a wide understanding of Abraham Cahan definition of the processes that affected identity in forming the new self in a new environment. It also introduced historical events of the Jewish history in Europe as well as the massive Jewish movement to America. The psychological, social; and historical features helped to get a clear look on how ideology is framed and influenced by several factors in Abraham Cahan novels. Thus, the study contributes to portray the struggle of minorities in striving to earn recognition and getting rid of alienation and inferiority in America. the construction of identity is the center and main theme in any immigrant writings and in ethnical literature as well as culture. The influential figuere and the center of this thesis Abraham Cahan dealt with minority issues in forming a stable personality. We invistigated his life between ―now‖ and ―then‖ we also clarified how the struggle of recognition led him to be a great figure for the coming generations.