اعفاء الاشراف والمرابطين من الضريبة في العهد العثماني عائلة اولاد سيدي بلعريبي بالحضنة أنموذجا

الملخص : من المعروف أن العثمانيين في الجزائر قد فضلوا الاشراف والاولياء والمرابطين والعلماء بعدة امتيازات لكسبهم الى صفهم ولاستعمال مكانتخم ونفوذهم من اجل تثبيت سلطتهم أو لردع المتمردين وتسهيل مهمة جباة الضرائب. ومن بين العائلات المرابطية التي أعفيت عائلة أولاد سيدي بلعريبي بالحضنة من الغرائم والضرائب . Abstract: The ottomans in Algeria preferred the Achrafes, the saints ,the Almoravids and the scholars to others. Because of many causes among them was to win them in the ranks of state , as well to using their position and their influence in order to strengthening their authority. In this regard ,we would present some documents related to Ouled Bel-Aribi’s family in Hodna , which won the preference of †the rulers of Byelk Constantine. In our article , we aim to know the important taxes that they were exempted fromand the privileges that were granted to them. There is no doubt in the importance of documents and the private archives in working to highlight it, publish it and value it by the researches and studies .In addition, by showing its value and credibility on writing the local history, that give us other dimensions in reading and interpreting the history of ottoman Algeria , moreover, to the opening horizons for the historical studies that might have been difficult