العنف الإنتخابي وآليات مكافحته
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مخبر البجوث القانونية والسياسية كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلة
تعتبر الانتخابات الية تهدف الى حل المنافسة السياسية بين المتنافسين على السلطة بطريقة سلمية، الا ان بعض جوانبها قد يثير توترات خاصة عندما يتم التالعب بنتائج الانتخابات وهو الأمر الذي من شأنه ان يؤدي الى بروز ما يسمى بظاهرة العنف الاننتخابي.
وتأتي مداخلتنا هذه من اجل رصد كل ما يتعلق بظاهرة العنف الانتخابي من حيث بيان مفهومها واسبابها، واهم اليات مكافحتها.
Elections are considered a mechanism aimed at resolving political competition between competitors for power in a peaceful manner. However, some aspects of them may raise tensions, especially when the election results are tampered with, which would lead to the emergence of the so-called phenomenon of electoral violence.
Our intervention comes in order to monitor everything related to the phenomenon of electoral violence in terms of explaining its concept, causes, and the most important mechanisms for combating it.
Legal, political and legitimacy research laboratory
In coordination with the university formative research project (prfu)
Islam and the phenomenon of violence, terrorism and religious extremism
And in cooperation with the Faculty of Law and Political Science
Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Independence and Youth Day (1962-2022)
The first virtual international forum is organized by:
On violence, extremism and terrorism in its religious, political and social dimensions
Day: 21 February 2022
Honorary President: of the Forum: A. Pr. Abdel Wahed Shala
Forum director: a. Pr. Taher Zawagri
Chairman of the Forum: Dr. Nabil Malkia
Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Ali lekbir
Violence, terrorism and extremism did not arise automatically, but are attributed to many causes, and knowing these causes is very important because it will help solve the problem, and here lies the importance of discovering the roots of violence, terrorism and extremism, because revealing the causes of these phenomena is a topic that concerns the entire world and the Islamic community in particular It is also very important to study the social dimensions of violence, terrorism and extremism on a large scale. For this reason, the social dimensions of this topic must be studied as well.
And pursuant to the teachings of our tolerant Islamic law, which rejects all forms of violence and terrorism, especially those based on extremism, and calls for the protection of human rights, which are provisions that are in line with the principles and foundations of international law that are based on the cooperation of peoples in order to establish peace.
Committed to combating terrorism and extremism in all its forms and manifestations and
eliminating its goals and causes that target people’s lives and property, and the belief of Islamic countries that terrorism and extremism constitute a serious violation of human rights, especially the right to life and the right to freedom and security, as well as an obstacle to the work of state institutions and obstructs social and economic development, and destabilizes the security and stability of states.
The idea of holding this virtual conference came to answer the following problem:
What is the extent of the impact of the phenomenon of violence, terrorism and religious extremism on the Islamic religion, and what are the repercussions of this impact on the Islamic community?
Themes of the forum
The first axis: the conceptual framework of the phenomenon of violence, terrorism and religious extremism
The second axis: the concept of religious exploitation and extremist terrorist organizations
The third axis: the phenomenon of violence, terrorism and extremism in religious texts
The fourth axis: the religious repercussions of ethnic intolerance (ethnic intolerance as a cause of violence and extremism)
The fifth axis: the effects of terrorism, extremism, violence and conflicts on human security and their repercussions on political and social life
The sixth axis: the efforts of Islamic and international countries in combating terrorism, violence and extremism
الملتقى الدولي الإفتراضي حول:العنف والتطرف والارهاب بأبعاده الدينية والسياسية والاجتماعية