EFL Learners’ Attitudes towards Using Cultural Assimilators in Improving Learners’ Intercultural Communicative Competence
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The present work aims at investigating the attitudes of EFL learners towards using culture assimilators in improving the learners‘ intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in the Algerian program of teaching English at university . This study took place during the academic year (2019/2020).Hence, it is hypothesized in this study that using cultural assimilators will develop students' intercultural communicative competence and learners will have a positive attitude towards the target language culture and towards culture teaching in general, For accomplishing the work, a descriptive research method has been conducted and to achieve the research aims and to test the hypothesis, a questionnaires was distributed one for the teachers and one for the learners. Accordingly, the findings of the study reveal that learning culture through culture assimilators technique significantly improves first-year master degree students‘ intercultural communicative competence. Both questionnaires demonstrate that learners and teachers are aware of the interconnectedness of culture and language. Besides, the majority of teachers do not know what aspects of culture to teach or how to teach and ignore the most important techniques for teaching culture. Learners‟ questionnaire reveals that learners are interested, motivated and curious to learn about other cultures to be able to communicate with native speakers.