Hydrochemistry and isotopic geochemistry contribution to the characterization of the aquifers of the upper Plains of Algeria, case of the basin of Chemora, oriental Algeria
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Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences
The upper plains of eastern Algeria are bordered to the south by Aures
mountains culminating at 2328 m on Chelia moutain. The water springs of
Chelia, initially is weakly mineralized, can become salty by interaction with
rocks of Chemora basin and successive evaporation. The salt concentrations
can increase until the precipitation of evaporates. The main places of the
formation of the solid salts are the irrigated agricultural soils, where
evaporation reaches or exceeds the inflow of continental water. Chemical water
facies evolved from bicarbonate calcium and magnesium to sulphate calcium.
The use of chemical and isotopic tools have shown that the origin of waters
mineralization is linked to the interactions water-rock that occur along the flow
in the reservoir, by dissolution and mineral precipitations , to the cations
exchange and the pollution. The isotopic tool has demonstrated that the aquifer
recharge is ensured by meteoric little evaporated waters, with altitudinal