The Effects of Using Language Games as a Teaching Technique for Enhancing Learners’ Motivation. The Case Study of Second Year Foreign Languages in Arab Messoud High School Chechar Khenchela.
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The discipline of didactics in pedagogy never ceased to be the most critical concern
vis-a-vis EFL learners’ intercultural pragmatic competence highlighting moderate
communication in the Algerian syllabi. The core objectives of this dissertation are to
investigate psychological areas of motivation and entertainment in EFL learners’ to
promote communication with native speakers as a topnotch goal. The Lack of such
aspects mainly bore certain failures hindering needed competencies to the EFL
acquisition matter. Such deficiencies might seem to be concerning the understanding of
foreign language and its culture while in this work which employed a mixed methods
research content analyses the actual physiological elements in EFL learners. As a data
gathering tool for quantity, a questionnaire was administered to second year foreign
languages Arab Messaoud high school students to investigate their standpoints
regarding those problems. Additionally, an observation follows the conduct with three
samples to in-depth explore their views about the various breakdowns and provide
qualitative input to improve learners’ communicative competence. The findings
obtained from the implementation of the two research instruments reveal a plethora of
physiological factors which serve solutions for the many communicative issues.
Eventually, this research offers suggestions interpretations related to students’ psyche
linked to the pedagogical implications to raise teachers’ awareness foremost then help to
enhance learners’ intercultural communicative competence.