تغير العلاقات الاسرية للمجتمع الجزائري في ظل جائحة كوفيد 19
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كلية العلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية لجامعة عباس لغرور خنشلة
The rese cire. rried to achievc thc go.l of rhc srudy, which crysrâlllzes
aroùnd reveiLing rhc chânge thrr occured in fàrily relations A a result of th€
Coüd 19 pândennc in Algerian sociery, and rh.r w.s lh.ough diagûosing thr
vârjous aslects related to faûill relations in Agerian socieq ùDder exceptionàl
ctcuNtânces, espe.iàlly sin.e This cl,ange occuûed at a rapid pàce xnd âfl:ecred
varioùs $pects, and its nnpact rplcarcd derly ln ûâny relationships, whether on
the extenalor internallcvcl ofthc fanily
Iron tht stândpoint, Dd tlùoùgh our curenr stud,v, â n!ûber of
reconnhendàtions caD be mtrd€, esprciallysince drese studies àre considcred rcccnr
in thet Aped relârcd ro the Cov,d 19 pr.dc ic a.d rlcn conne.tior to an
nnpôrtânr institutioD in the so.û1ÿrucrurc, lvhich is the fa,nlly:
It t ûece$.ry to pay âttentiôn tô sr.h stùdies tlur rddres dre ntuuâl
i.fl trences of !ânoùs so.iâl systeûs.
- Linking thc theoreticâl Apect to the fie1d tô rex.l, 3.cuate xnd nôrc
objechve re lts, which .rn rherefôre be bu,lt upon to fonnuhte prvenrive,
.urâdve, â.d evèn dèvelôpDrent progrânN ùdlolicies.
Thc n.ccsiry of ùearing fâtury .ôunseling olTices tbar lxke nrro rccounr
rhe ùcumitanccs that f.mllies go throùdr nl exceptiord cn.ùùN"n.es, in orde.
tô suggc{ rndhclp f,tulli.s to over.ône rhe difii.ultid drey f,ce