تأمين المسؤولية في الجزائر وما يميزها عن باقي أنواع التأمينات

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كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلة
تناولت هذه الدراسة موضوع تأمين المسؤولية في الجزائر وما يميزه عن غيره من أنواع التأمين، حيث يعتبر تأمين المسؤولية نوع من التأمين عن الأضرار، والذي نظمه المشرع بموجب أحكام الأمر رقم 95-07 المؤرخ في 25 جانفي 1995 المعدل والمتمم بالقانون 06-04 الصادر في فبراير 2006. This study addressed the issue of liability insurance in Algeria and what distinguishes it from other types of insurance, as liability insurance is considered a type of insurance for damages, which was regulated by the legislator in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 95-07 of January 25, 1995, amended and supplemented by Law No. 06-04 issued in February. 2006. This contract, which is important at the present time, is not equivalent to the rest of the types and forms of insurance, and there is no evidence of this from the legislator’s interference in imposing its commitment, which is what distinguishes it from other insurances. Through this study, we concluded that the fundamental difference between it and other types of insurance is the presence of a third person, and in the event of his absence, we are not dealing with civil liability insurance.
مذكرة مكملة لنيل شهادة الماستر في الحقوق تخصص:قانون خاص معمق