تأثير جائحة كورونا على الأداء الوظيفي للعاملين : دراسة حالة العيادة المتعددة الخدمات –الحامة

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كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير جامعة عباس لغرور - خنشلة
This study aimed to know the extent of the impact of Corona pandemic on the job performance of employees, and the extent of its impact on its three dimensions (the amount of effort expended, the effort expended, and the pattern of performance). The study was conducted using a questionnaire distributed to a simple random sample of 55 employees in the multi-service clinic in the district of El- Hamma, Khenchela state, Algeria. 48 valid questionnaires were retrieved for statistical analysis, the collected data were processed and the study hypotheses were tested by the SPSS statistical program. The results of the study revealed that the Corona pandemic has an impact on the job performance of employees, and it has an impact on amount of effort expended, quality of effort expended, and the pattern of performance. The study concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which are : trying to strengthen all sectors with epidemic prevention methods to maintain the same level of service provision, improving The internal work environment to face any obstacles that the organization nmay encounter, activating technology and digitization to support remote communication in light of crises, supporting the transition to a new reality of work, by implementing flexible strategies and measures commensurate with crises, training employees to respond to crises, exploiting and transforming crisis events To strengths and growth rather than fear to confront them.