The Influence of EFL Teachers’ Behaviors on Students Anxiety Level The Case of Second-year LMD Students in English Department at Abbes Laghrour University-Khenchela.

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Abstract Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) has been developed because of learning a foreign language. It could be caused by variety of factors, one of which is the teacher’s behavior. The present study based on the mixed method; means the use of the descriptive method, which is the best to make a description of certain characteristics of population or phenomena being studied. This research describes the influence of EFL teachers’ behaviors on students’ foreign language anxiety level. In respect, the researchers used a mixed method collecting data using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative by collecting data that can be analyzed mathematically to summarize data then describing relationships. Qualitative is used to develop a deep understanding of how can foreign language teachers reduce students’ anxiety level. By administering a questionnaire to forty-second year LMD students (40) at the English department in Abbes Laghrour University of Khenchela, as well as an interview to six (6) EFL university teachers. The findings revealed that teachers’ behaviors are a significant source of anxiety for EFL learners. Furthermore, the negative behaviors such as the negative criticisms in front of the class, laughing at students’ mistakes, shouting at them, and being unfair. Those factors have been proven to increase students’ FLA and decrease their interest in learning the language.