« The interpretive theory » AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE MISUSE OF AMERICAN AND BRITISH ENGLISH Case study: First Year Master Degree At “Abbass Laghrour University” Khenchela.

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Abstract This study was carried out in the department of English, university of "Abbass Laghrour" at Khenchela to investigate the reasons behind the confusion between the American and British English among the students. The main objectives were: *To explore the reasons behind this process, *To investigate the reasons why and which accent is used more often than the other, and *To discover the most common mistakes committed by the students in this field. *To attempt to find a remedy to the problem. A quantitative method was used to gather precise information about the studied case. A questionnaire was administered to the first Year Master students. The general population was almost one hundred and forty (140) students and the questionnaire was distributed directly by hand. The aim was to get seventy (70) questionnaires but only Forty-Eight (48) answered because of non mandatory presence at the university due to the covid-19 safety measures. The data analysis showed the following positive results concerning the unawareness of students about the most known differences: 1 A minority of students were unaware about the differences between American and British English. 2- Furthermore, the majority of the students unintentionally mixed between the two accents. 3- Also, the participants stated that the mass media had a huge impact on their choice of accent. 4 Additionally, the result yielded that the students were much probe to make confusion when they are out of the classroom. ONE BLOCK