المعالجة الإجرائية لإللتزامات الدولية في مجابهة الإرهاب بين متطلبات الطرح العالمي والأبعاد الإيديولوجية والدينية

dc.contributor.authorبلغيث رؤى
dc.contributor.authorقرساس مروة
dc.descriptionLegal, political and legitimacy research laboratory In coordination with the university formative research project (prfu) Islam and the phenomenon of violence, terrorism and religious extremism And in cooperation with the Faculty of Law and Political Science Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Independence and Youth Day (1962-2022) The first virtual international forum is organized by: On violence, extremism and terrorism in its religious, political and social dimensions Day: 21 February 2022 Honorary President: of the Forum: A. Pr. Abdel Wahed Shala Forum director: a. Pr. Taher Zawagri Chairman of the Forum: Dr. Nabil Malkia Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Ali lekbir ABSTRACT Violence, terrorism and extremism did not arise automatically, but are attributed to many causes, and knowing these causes is very important because it will help solve the problem, and here lies the importance of discovering the roots of violence, terrorism and extremism, because revealing the causes of these phenomena is a topic that concerns the entire world and the Islamic community in particular It is also very important to study the social dimensions of violence, terrorism and extremism on a large scale. For this reason, the social dimensions of this topic must be studied as well. And pursuant to the teachings of our tolerant Islamic law, which rejects all forms of violence and terrorism, especially those based on extremism, and calls for the protection of human rights, which are provisions that are in line with the principles and foundations of international law that are based on the cooperation of peoples in order to establish peace. Committed to combating terrorism and extremism in all its forms and manifestations and eliminating its goals and causes that target people’s lives and property, and the belief of Islamic countries that terrorism and extremism constitute a serious violation of human rights, especially the right to life and the right to freedom and security, as well as an obstacle to the work of state institutions and obstructs social and economic development, and destabilizes the security and stability of states. The idea of holding this virtual conference came to answer the following problem: What is the extent of the impact of the phenomenon of violence, terrorism and religious extremism on the Islamic religion, and what are the repercussions of this impact on the Islamic community? Themes of the forum The first axis: the conceptual framework of the phenomenon of violence, terrorism and religious extremism The second axis: the concept of religious exploitation and extremist terrorist organizations The third axis: the phenomenon of violence, terrorism and extremism in religious texts The fourth axis: the religious repercussions of ethnic intolerance (ethnic intolerance as a cause of violence and extremism) The fifth axis: the effects of terrorism, extremism, violence and conflicts on human security and their repercussions on political and social life The sixth axis: the efforts of Islamic and international countries in combating terrorism, violence and extremism
dc.description.abstractإن دراسة الوضع الأمني والسياسي على الصعيدين الوطني والدولي في الوقت الحاضر تدفعنا حتماً إلى التعامل مع ظاهرة الإرهاب التي تمثل جريمة خطيرة وصعبة ليس فقط في مكافحتها، بل أيضاً في تعريفها وتعريف معناها. وخاصة من الناحية القانونية حيث يتطلب تطبيق القاعدة القانونية الجنائية وضوح المضمون ومحدودية التفسير. إن أهم عقبة أمام التوصل إلى توافق في الآراء بشأن جريمة الإرهاب في الصكوك الدولية تظل هي الاختلاف الأيديولوجي تضارب المصالح الدولية وتداخل المفاهيم في ظل سهولة الخلط المقصود. إطار عالمي تندمج فيه الاتفاقيات الدولية، وتكون عضويته مفتوحة لجميع الدول دون شرط الموقع أو الهوية، وإطار إقليمي ثان ضروري للإصلاح الإقليمي، مما يزيد من أهميته ويدعم فعاليته. ونظراً لخصائص الجريمة الإرهابية وارتباطها السطحي بأبعاد عقائدية ودينية. العلاج لها ويجب الجمع بين مرتكبيها بين القضايا العالمية والإقليمية. وفي هذا السياق فإن النظام الدولي لمكافحة الإرهاب يقع على عاتق الدول التزامات تجد مصدرها في العديد من الاتفاقيات الدولية العالمية بشأن جوانب معينة، والتي تظل غير فعالة دون وجود اتفاقية شاملة تحدد مفهوم الأعمال الإرهابية. :The study of the security and political situation at the national and international levels at the present time inevitably draws us to deal with the phenomenon of terrorism, which is a serious and difficult crime not only in combating it, but also in defining and defining its meaning, especially in legal terms, where the application of the criminal legal rule requires clarity of substance and limited interpretation. The most important obstacle to consensus on the crime of terrorism in international instruments remains the ideological difference, the conflict of international interests and the overlap of concepts in the light of the ease of the intended confusion. A global framework in which international conventions are incorporated, the membership of which is open to all States without condition of location or identity, and a second regional framework that is essential for regional reform, which increases its importance and supports its effectiveness. And given the characteristics of the crime Terrorism and its superficially linked to ideological and religious dimensions. The treatment of its perpetrators must be combined between the global and regional issues. In this context, the international counter-terrorism regime has obligations on States to find their source in many of the global international conventions on certain aspects, which remain ineffective without a comprehensive convention defining the concept of terrorist acts.
dc.identifier.citationالملتقى الدولي الإفتراضي حول:العنف والتطرف والارهاب بأبعاده الدينية والسياسية والاجتماعية
dc.publisherمخبر البجوث القانونية والسياسية كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلة
dc.relation.ispartofseriesالمحو رالسادس
dc.titleالمعالجة الإجرائية لإللتزامات الدولية في مجابهة الإرهاب بين متطلبات الطرح العالمي والأبعاد الإيديولوجية والدينية
dc.title.alternativeProcedural treatment of international obligations to confront terrorism between the requirements of the global proposal and the ideological and religious dimensions
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