Utilisation des diatomées comme bioindicateurs de la qualité des cours d'eau dans la région d'ain mimoun -khenchela-
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Université Abbes Laghrour -Khenchela-
Diatoms are microscopic unicellular brown algae that develop in all types of aquatic environments (cold or hot, freshwater or saline, polluted or not). They are considered as bioindicators of the quality of water. In this context, this study aims to evaluate the anthropogenic and industrial environmental impact on a oued in the region of Ain Mimoun, Khenchela, very near of a barite ore processing unit. By measuring pollution-induced changes in diatom community structure. The results show that the IBD, IPS, IDG, Shannon and Weaver indices, and van dam have given a realistic assessment of the water quality of the three station of the stream. They all show clear signs of disturbances in the station 03, the state of health of the oued is influenced by discharges from the barite ore treatment unit that degrade the quality of the water and modify the biodiversity of these ecosystems