ZnO Films Elaborated by D.C. Magnetron Sputtering
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The effect of the oxygen flow rate on the structural and optical properties
of ZnO films was investigated. Zinc oxide films were deposited Si (100) wafers
and glass substrate by a DC magnetron sputtering technique using Zn targets in an
Ar/O2 mixture atmosphere. The oxygen content was changed from 10 to 30 sccm.
The different properties were analyzed by using XRD, SEM, profilometer, and UVvisible. The evolution of optical and structural proprieties as O2 was investigated
by XRD, Profilometer, FESEM and UV-visible. O2 increasing lead to improve ZnO
crystallinity in wirtzite phase and the films present (002) preferential orientation
along the c-axis. ZnO films present a significant improvement in band gap that
present an enlargement from 3.13 to 3.30 eV due to the crystallite size increase from
22 to 30 nm.