A comparative study on chemical profile and biological activities of aerial parts (stems, flowers, leaves, pods and seeds) of Astragalus gombiformis

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The pre sent work aims to char ac ter ize the chem i cal pro file of phe no lic com pounds and some bi o log i cal ac tiv i - ties of As tra galus gomb i formis . The bu tano lic frac tions of five aer ial or gans (stems, flow ers, leaves, pods and seeds) were quan ti fied and iden ti fied by LC – MS analy sis. The re sults were re vealed the pres ence of 13 phe no - lic com pounds (quinic acid, p - coumaric acid, trans frulic acid, Hy per o side (quercetin - 3 - o - galactoside, Quercetrin (quercetin - 3 - o - rhamonoside), Ape genin - 7 - o - glucoside, kam pherol, Narin genin, Ape genin, Lu te olin, Cir sil iol, Cir si li neol and Acacetin. In terms of bi o log i cal ac tiv i ties, the an tiox i dant,α - amylase in hibitory and an ti cholinesterase were de ter mined. The bu tano lic ex tract from flow ers showed the high est an tiox i dant ac tiv - ity in DPPH and ABTS (IC50: 16, 43 ± 0, 46 and 16, 13 ± 0, 35 μg/ mL) very closer with stan dards tested and week ac tiv ity with Galvi noxyl rad i cal (GOR) (IC50: 583, 95 ± 2, 20 μg/ mL), while other or gan's ex tract ex - hib ited mod er ate an tiox i dant ac tiv ity. The leaves ex tract was found to ex hibit the high est in hibitory ef fect against BChE (IC50: 165,54 ± 3,49 μg/ mL) com pared by the other parts which give a weak in hibitory ef fect at 200 μg/ mL. A sig nif i cant al pha - amylase in hibitory ac tiv ity was dis played by seeds, leaves, pods and stems ex tracts (IC50:76.41 ± 3.72; 74.61 ± 3.68; 88.13 ± 1.81 and 83.81 ± 1.74 μg/ mL) more the stan dard used. Based on these re sults, it is right to con clude that A. gomb i formis is im por tant source of the nat ural anti - diabetic, an tiox i dants and anti - Alzheimer′s dis ease.