Evaluation microbiologique et physicochimique de l’eau du barrage de Timgad (wilaya de Batna). Président : Darbouche Abdelhak (Prof.) Université de Khenchela Encadreur: Houhamdi Moussa. (Prof.) Université de Guelma
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Abbes Laghrour university -khenchela
In order To determine the microbiological and physic-chemical of water quality of
Timgad Dam used for irrigation perimeters and the production of drinking water for the city
of Banta, analyzes were made during the year 2011 and that have made mainly on the
quantification of indicator bacterial contamination fecal and the search for pathogens and the
determination of the concentration ofcertain physic-chemical elements in these waters.
The results of chemical analysis, have shown that the variation in element
concentration is closely related to several factors (rainfall, geological substrate, human
activities), but these levels are still low to cause organic pollution. except that the nitrite
concentration exceeds the standard set by World Health Organization (WHO) during the
month of July.
While the results of microbiological analysis we expose a slight fecal contamination of
waters identified by the presence of fecal bacteria, as well as the presence of other bacteria
responsible for infections transmitted by water, mainly caused by discharges from wastewater
which are for infections probably a threat to the people and the environment.