تحسين الخدمة العمومية في الإدارة البلدية

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كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلة
تعتبر المشاكل التي تعاني منها الإدارة البلدية من أهم تداعيات التحول في أسلوب أداء العمل الإداري , على اعتبار أنها الوسيلة التي تظهر من خلالها مدى قدرة الدولة في تلبية حاجات المواطنين ,وذلك في ظل تطبيق النظام اللامركزي والتأكيد عل فعاليته في بلورة السياسة العامة وتنفيذها على المستوى المحلي. وهو مايعتبر كانطلاقة فعلية لدراسة موضوع الخدمة العمومية ضمن متطلبات تحسينها بين الضرورة والحتمية ,بناءا على مجموعة من المتغيرات برزت في ظلها معالم التسيير العمومي الحديث والتوجه نحو العصرنة,مما أدى إلى تعدد المعايرر التي يمكن من خلالها قياس جودة الخدمة العمومية,إذ أن الأمر لم يعد مرتبطا بتحسينها بل يتعداه إلى استهداف تحقيق الجودة في أداءها, وذلك من خلال اهتمام الدولة بالخدمة العمومية قصد تقريب الإدارة من المواطن ,فكانت دراستنا منصبة على بعض الخدمات التي برزت كمؤشرات مهمة في تحسين الخدمة على مستوى الإدارة البلدية والمتمثلة فيمايلي: *العمل على استحداث هيئات مكلفة بتتبع موضوع الاهتمام بالخدمة العمومية مع التركيز على فعالية الرقابة والتفتيش. *عصرنة قطاع الوظيفة العمومية كأهم محور في عملية التحول والتركيز على أخلقه سلوكات الموظف العمومي. *مشاركة المواطنين في تسيير الشؤون العمومية ,عن طريق التفاعل المباشر والمستمر مع السلطة الإدارية المحلية لإيجاد حلول وبدائل للمشكلات المطروحة *بروز معالم البلدية الالكترونية كأحد الحلول الوقائية للحد من الفساد بصورتيه الإداري والمالي,والقضاء على مظاهر البيروقراطية. *التأطير القانوني للتوقيع والتصديق الالكتروني,في ظل التوجه نحو الإدارة الإلكترونية لإضفاء الحجية على المعاملات الإدارية الإلكترونية. *إبراز دور العون المكلف بالتصديق الالكتروني على المستوى الإدارة البلدية (الطرف الثالث الموثوق)في أخذ المعطيات البيومترية لإصدار وثائق الهوية وتأمينها The problems that the municipal government faces are considered as the causes of the change in the performance of the administrative work ;since it is the way in which the state appears its capacity to meet the citizens ‘needs and this is in the application of the decentralized system and the emphasis on its effectiveness in developing the policyand its implementation in the local level. And that is considered as the actual launching to study the public service among the demands to improve it between the necessary and inevitable. Acordingly to a group of variants in which the parametersof the modern public conduct occur and to move toward modernization ,and that led to multiplicity of standars from which the quality of the public service can be measured ,since it is not related to improve it ,but also it aims to achieve quality in its performance ,and that through the attention of the state in public service in order to bring the administration closer to citizen . So, our study is based on some services which has emerged as important indicators in improving the service at the municipal government and it is presented in the following points: *Work on creation of bodies entrusted with the attention to the public service with the focus on the effectiveness of oversight and inspection. *Modernization of the sector of the civil service as the most important centre in the operation of transformation and the focus on the creation of the public officials ‘behaviours. *The participation of the citizens in managing the public affairs throughthe direct and constant interaction with the local administrative authority to find solutions and substitutes to current problems. *Emergence of parameters of electronic municipal as one of the preventive solutions to reduce corruption in its two varieties administrative and financial to reduce bureaucracies. *The legal frame for electronic signature and ratification in the trend of the electronic administration to give opposability on the electronic and administrative transactions. *Emerge the role of the inspector whose assigned to him the legalization at the level of the municipal government(the third reliable party) to takethe biometric data to produce the identity documents and secure them. the problems that the municipal government faces are considered as the causes of the change intheperformance of the administrative work ;since it is the way in which the state appears its capacity to meetthe citizens ‘needs and this is in the application of the decentralized system and the emphasis on its effectiveness in developing the policy and its implementation in the local level. And that is considered as the actual launching to study the public service among the demands to improve it between the necessary and inevitable. Acordingly to a group of variants in which the parametersof the modern public conduct occur and to move toward modernization ,and that led to multiplicity of standars from which the quality of the public service can be measured ,since it is not related to improve it ,butalso it aims to achieve quality in its performance ,and that through the attention of the state in public service in order to bring the administration closer to citizen . So, our study is based on some services which has emerged as important indicators in improving the service atthe municipal government and it is presented in the following points: *Work on creation of bodies entrusted with the attention to the public service with the focus on the effectiveness of oversight and inspection. *Modernization of the sector of the civil service as the most importantcentre in the operation of transformation and the focus on the creation ofthe public officials ‘behaviours. *The participation of the citizens in managing the public affairs through the direct and constant interaction with the local administrative authority to find solutions and substitutes to current problems. *Emergence of parameters of electronic municipal as one of the preventive solutions to reduce corruption in its two varieties administrative and financial to reduce bureaucracies. *The legal frame for electronic signature and ratification in the trend ofthe electronic administration to give opposability on the electronic and administrative transactions. *Emerge the role of the inspector whose assigned to himthe legalization at the level of the municipal government(the third reliable party) to takethe biometric data to produce the identity documents and secure them.