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Item 2021-07-01 مستقبل الصحافة المطبوعة في ظل انتشار الصحافة الالكترونية(تنمية الموارد البشرية .المجلد : 16 . العدد : 02.ص ص : 728-749, 2021-07-01) بن سخرية أمينة; مجاني باديس .الملخص : جاء مقالنا تحت عنوان مستقبل الصحافة المطبوعة في ظل انتشار الصحافة الالكترونية اين سنحاول من خلاله كشف العلاقة التي تربط بين الصحافة الالكترونية والصحافة المطبوعة نظرا للانتشار الواسع في التكنولوجيا الحديثة و وسائل الاعلام التي تشهد تطورا كبيرا ، فعالم الانسان في تطور مستمر في مختلف المجالات بما في ذلك الجانب الاتصالي ، حيث بدأت العلاقة الاتصالية بين بني البشر بالحركات والأصوات والرسم على الجدران والصخور والألواح الى غير ذلك من حاملات الكتابة ، ثم بدأت بالتطور عبر مراحل حيث ظهرت الطباعة والصحف المكتوبة التي كانت عبارة عن صفحات متفرقة ،وتطورت الى أن وصلت الى ماهي عليه اليوم وتعتبر الصحف المكتوبة هي القاعدة الأساسية لبقية وسائل الاعلام ، من تلفزيون وراديو وصحف الكترونية التي تعتبر امتداد للصحافة المطبوعة ، فقد وفرت الصحافة الالكترونية العديد من المميزات التي تجذب المتلقين وتسهل عليهم طرق التصفح بوجود الوصلات التشعبية التي تقفز بنا من صفحة لأخرى ، هذا الامر منح الصحف الالكترونية على اختلافها شعبية كبيرة ، ما من شأنه ان يؤثر على الصحف المطبوعة ، حيث سنقوم بعرض بعض الاتجاهات التي يعتمد روادها على مجموعة من الأفكار تحدد العلاقة القائمة بين الصحافة الالكترونية والصحافة المطبوعة ، وكيف سيكون مستقبل كل منهما ، وسنعتمد على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لتوضيح هذه العلاقة لنخلص الى الخاتمة .Abstract: Our article, entitled the future of the printed Press, came under the spread of the electronic press, where we will try to reveal the relationship between the electronic press and the printed press, due to the wide spread of modern technology and the highly developed media. The world of man is constantly evolving in various fields, including the communications side, where the communication relationship between human beings has begun with movements, sounds, drawing on walls, rocks, panels, and other writing carriers. It started to develop through stages, where printing and written newspapers, which were scattered pages, developed to the same extent today, and the written newspapers are considered the main base for the rest of the media, from television, radio and electronic newspapers, which are an extension of the printed press. The electronic press has provided many advantages that attract and make navigation easier for recipientsItem Death Anxiety And Mental Health Among Asthmatic Patients(مجلة العلوم القانونية والاجتماعية المجلد 08 العدد 04 ص ص 17-29, 2023-12-17) Birouk Hana Nor Elhouda; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةAbstract : The current study aimed to search for the relationship between death anxiety and mental health among asthmatic patients, as well as to identify the differences in death anxiety due to gender. The opportunistic sample of this descriptive study consisted of (40) patients. The study tools were: Death anxiety and Mental health Questionnaires. The results are: • There is a statistically significant negative correlation between death anxiety and mental health among asthmatics. • There are no statistically significant differences in death anxiety among asthmatics due to gender.Item Economic Programs On Algerian Television And Their Role In Promoting Islamic Banking Services(Management & Economics Research Journal . Volume : 5. Numéro : 4. pp : 84-96, 2023-12-31) Djabri Sara; Idiou Leila; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةAbstract : This paper aims to research the role of economic programs on Algerian television to promote Islamic banking services, through the discussion panels presented in these programs or through the guests of the program, and their contributions to enrich the program with their opinions and views on transactions for Islamic banks in Algeria, especially if we know that Islamic banks and their transactions in Algeria are newly emerging, so that the recipient content analysis of a sample of programs presented on Algerian television that promote Islamic banking services، Being newly established in Algeria, therefore, this paper came explaining and explaining the role assigned to various economic programs on Algerian television, aimed at explaining and simplifying the various Islamic banking services.we have relied on the case study approach through the use of research tools such as scientific observation and content analysis of economic programs. the study has reached a number of results, the most important of which are: that economic talk shows in particular contribute to the promotion of Islamic banking services; Algerian television programming has largely succeeded in choosing guests based on explaining the various formulas of Islamic banking.Item - Enatt-الاتصال وعلاقته بتنمية الموارد البشرية بالمؤسسة التكوينية دراسة ميدانية بالمدرسة الوطنية لتطبيق تقنيات النقل البري بباتنة(حوليات جامعة قالمة للعلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية . المجلد : 03 . العدد : 01 . ص ص : 221-244, 2009-12-31) قرزيز محمود; يحياوي مريم; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةالملخص : يمثل هذا المقال محاولة سوسيولوجية لربط عمل نظري مع بحث ميداني، أنجز في إطار دراسة للاتصال وعلاقته بتنمية الموارد البشرية في المؤسسة الجزائرية، وهي مزاوجة بين الجانب النظري الذي يتحدد أساسا في الأطر النظرية المختلفة التي تناولت تنمية الموارد البشرية والاتصال في المؤسسة، وبين مجال ميداني تم الاعتماد فيه على تقنيات سوسيولوجية مثل الملاحظة والمقابلة والاستمارة . Résumé : Cet article est un essai sociologique , afin de combiner un travail théorique avec une recherche empirique et qui a été réalisé dans le cadre d’une étude scientifique pour découvrir la relation (communication – développement des ressources humaines) dans l’entreprise Algérienne, en s’appuyant sur l’utilisation des techniques en sociologie tel que l’observation, l’entretien et le questionnaire.Item La Tribu Nord-africaine Dans La Logique Segmentariste. -emile Durkheim Et E. Evans Pritchard Comme Exemple-(دراسات وأبحاث . المجلد : 10 . العدد : 04 . ص ص : 1034-1044, 2018-12-15) Benghalia Mouataz Billah; Laiche Abdelaziz; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةRésumé : La modèle théorique segmentariste, et à travers l'expansion de ses recherches, en particulier par les chercheurs anglo-saxons, a pu fournir une approche importante pour comprendre les sociétés maghrébines, en essayant d'éviter les perspectives idéologiques directes. Bien que certains chercheurs nationaux classent les thèses segmentariste dans les thèses coloniales, mais cette théorie attire encore un certain nombre des chercheurs et particulièrement ceux qui sont intéressés du système tribal dans le Maghreb, à savoir pour sa capacité à saisir les différentes formes et niveaux de la vie sociale et politique selon des paradigmes les plus évidents et préliminaires tels que: ‘la généalogie’ Abstract : The segmentary theory was able -by its expanding into the research field especially by anglo saxons searchers- to give an approach to understand maghreb communities, ignoring direct ideological perspectives. although the classification of segmentary thesis within the colonial theses by the local searchers; it attracts so many searchers in the field of anthropology and political sociology especially those interested in the tribal system in the maghreb area, for what it offers in the aim of understanding variant shapes, types and levels of the social and political life within more intuitive and preliminary paradigme such as: lineage .Item Le Role de la commune dans Developpement de la Ville(مجلة علوم الانسان و المجتمع دورية دولية محكمة تصدرها كلية العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية المجلد : 6 العدد : 1 . ص ص : 3- 26, 2017-03-09) Linda Chenafi; Nadia Laassami; Faculté des sciences humaines et sociales, Université Khenchela Algérieالملخص: مفهوم المدينة الواضح لكل واحد منا يصعب تقييده في تعريف بسيط ودقيق، حيث يمكن أن تتنوع الواقعية المكانية والاجتماعية لهذه الظاهرة مع مرور الوقت وفي الفضاء. ومع ذلك، يمكن لبعض العناصر أن تعطينا فكرة عن ذلك: عدد السكان، المناظر الطبيعية والأنشطة السائدة. الفلاسفة، والاقتصاديين، وعلماء الديموغرافيا، والمهندسون المعماريون، وبالطبع، علماء الاجتماع يلقون جميعًا نظرات متفاوتة إلى حد ما على المدينة. تهدف هذه المقالة إلى مناقشة مفهوم المدينة وتعريفاتها المختلفة. كما تسعى هذه الوثيقة أيضًا إلى تسليط الضوء على مشاكل المدينة والبيئة الحضرية، بالإضافة إلى دور البلدية في تطوير المدينة. Résumé La notion de ville apparemment claire à chacun de nous se laisse difficilement enfermer dans une définition simple et précise, tant la réalité spatiale et sociale de ce phénomène peut varier dans le temps et dans l'espace. Néanmoins, certains éléments peuvent noue en donner une idée: le nombre d'habitant, le paysage et les activités. dominantes.les philosophes, économistes, démographes ?architectes et bien évidemment, et sociologues portent tous des regards plus ou moins singuliers sur la ville. Le présent article a pour objectif les notion de la ville et les différentes définitions de la commune. Ce document vise également à mettre en évidence les problèmes de la ville et l'environnement urbain ainsi que le rôle de la commune dans le développement de la ville.Item - Mon Frere-العنف الأسري ضد المرأة دراسة سيميولوجية لفيلم أخي(25 -09المجلة الجزائرية للعلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية المجلد08 العدد 02 ص ص, 2019-06-30) سهيلة دهماني; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةالملخص: العنف ضد المرأة ليس شيئا عابرا يتم التعامل معه بتبسيط مخل، فالعنف ضد المرأة هو عنف شامل ضد المجتمع وهو شيء خطير وينذر بهلاك المجتمع ذاته على المدى البعيد لذلك كان من اللازم توجيه كافة التخصصات و المنظورات البحثية المختلفة للوقوف على مواطن العيب المؤدية إلى ارتفاع نسبة ممارسة العنف ضد النساء في أماكن عديدة من العالم، ويرتبط العنف ضد النساء بمسألة انتهاك حقوق الإنسان لذلك سلطت السينما الضوء على ظاهرة العنف ضد المرأة فكان العنف بأنواعه ضد المرأة موضوع عديد الأفلام السينمائية العالمية والتي من بينها الفيلم الجزائري القصير" خويا" الحائز على عديد من الجوائز الدولية والعربية . Abstract: Violence against women is not a transient thing that is treated with a simplistic simplification. Violence against women is an all-out violence against society, which is dangerous and fore shadows the destruction of society itself in the long run. It is therefore necessary to direct all disciplines and different research perspectives to identify the disadvantages leading to the high rate of practice Violence against women in many parts of the world, and violence against women is linked to the issue of human rights violations. The cinema has highlighted the phenomenon of violence against women. Violence against women has been the subject of many international films, including the short Algerian film "Khouia" N Arab and international awards.Item Msدور الفايسبوك في تحقيق التوعية الصحية لمرضى التصلب اللويحي دراسة تحليلية للصفحات التصلب اللويحي في الجزائر،التصلب اللويحي والأمراض المناعية في الجزائر،جروب التصلب اللويحي المتعدد(المجلة الدولية للإتصال الإجتماعي جامعة عبد الحميد بن باديس-مستغانم المجلد 10 العدد 04 ص ص 748–762, 2021-12-31) نسيغاوي لطيفة; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةالملخص : نجح الإعلام الجديد في تقديم العديد من الخدمات وفي جميع المجالات خاصة بعد ظهور مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي التي أصبحت منبرا إعلاميا هاما يحصل من خلاله الفرد على المعلومات والأفكار و الآراء ولذلك فقد وظفت في جوانب عديدة ، ويعد الجانب الصحي من أهم المواضيع التي احتلت حيزا إعلاميا هاما نظر لأهمية ودوره بالنسبة للفرد وقد أنجزنا هذه الدراسة رغبة منا في التعرف على دور هذه المواقع وبالضبط موقع الفايسبوك في تحقيق التوعية الصحية. وقد خلصت دراستنا إلى نتائج أهمها أن طبيعة المواضيع التي تنشرها الصفحات الفايسبوكية هي مواضيع توعوية وهي تعتمد في تأثيرها ومعالجتها على الأساليب العقلية وان من ابرز أهدافها هو تحقيق التوعية الصحية Abstract : New media in providing many services and in all fields, especially after the emergence of social networking sites, which has become an important media platform through which the individual obtains information, ideas and opinions. We have completed this study in order to know the role of these sites, and specifically face book ,in achieving health awareness. Our study reached results ,the most important of which is that nature of the topics published by the face book pages is educational, and it relies on mental methods in dealing with it, and that one of its most important goals is to achieve health awareness . Les nouveaux médias fournissent de nombreux services et dans tous les domaines, en particulier après l’ émergence des sites de réseaux sociaux ,qui sont devenus une plate-forme médiatiques importante à travers laquelle l’individu obtient des informations, des idées et des opinions.par conséquent ,il a été utilisé dans de nombreux aspects.ont réalisé cette étude afin de connaitre le rôle de ces sites, et précisément du site face book, dans la sensibilisation. Notre etudes s’est conclue âr des résultats dont le plus important est la nature des sujets publiés par les pages face book,qui sont des sujets de sensibilisations et dépendent de méthodes persuasivesItem On The Confused Equivalence Between The Zeta Function and its Proof: Discussions On Science and its Measurement.(The journal of El-Ryssala for studies and research in humanities .Volume : 8 . Numéro : 4 . P P : 96-112, 2024-01-20) Mennah RafikAbstract : The confusion between two concepts covering two different fields of science and scientific research causes a lot of misunderstanding and results in a gradual withdrawal of the discussion towards reductive visions, which leads to the adoption of a naive linear causality between the economic aspect of scientific research activities and the collection of symbolic capital for scientific recognition, before commenting on the methodologica l weaknesses, allow us to specify the two concepts involved: scientific measurement or Scientometry and Bibliometry. Each respective domain of its two complementary specialties has a methodological framework (Frame) beyond which any hasty interpretation is concluded by fallacious reasoning including the archetype and the supposed equivalence between the zeta function and its demonstration.Item Perception de la qualité de vie Liée à la santé durant l’insuffisance rénale terminale chez les patients subissant un traitement par hémodialyse : Une étude sur le terrain dans la wilaya de Batna (Algérie).(Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) . N 5 . pp 42-46, 2018) Salah Aberkane; Abdelkader Badis; Faculté des sciences humaines et sociales, Département de psychologie, Université Khenchela - AlgérieRÉSUMÉ Objectifs : Lǯétude vise à étudier la relation entre les représentations de la maladie et la qualité de vie liée à la santé au cours lǯinsuffisance rénale au stade terminal chez des patients subissant un traitement par hémodialyse. Méthodes : Un échantillon de 100 patients souffrant d'insuffisance rénale au stade terminal et vivant dans la région de Batna (Algérie) a été utilisé dans la présente étude. Lǯanalyse statistique de corrélation a été employée pour déterminer la relation entre les représentations de la maladie et la qualité de vie liée à la santé. Lǯanalyse par régression multiple a été utilisée pour déterminer la capacité de prédiction des dimensions des représentations et de la qualité de la vie durant la maladie. Résultats: Cette étude a donné un aperçu sur la relation entre les attributions comportementales et la qualité de vie (partition de la composante mentale dans l'échantillon considéré (R= -0,455). Par conséquent, il a été prouvé qu'il y a un effet d'attributions comportementales sur les scores de la composante mentale (R2 = 0,217). Conclusion : Les résultats de l'étude ont fait apparaître le rôle des représentations de la maladie (des attributions comportementales) et de lǯadaptation des performances du patient, mais elle n'a pas révélé les différentes représentations qui contribuent à la prévision de la qualité de vie liée à la santé, ce qui permet de soutenir certaines approches dǯinterventions psychothérapeutiques en répondant aux tests utilisés dans les questionnaires de lǯétude. ABSTRACT Aim: The study aimed to investigate the relationship between illness representations and health related quality of life with end stage renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy. Methods: A sample of 100 participants, with end stage renal disease patients living in the region of Batna (Algeria) was adopted in this study. Correlation statistical analysis was used to determine the relationship between illness representations and health related quality of life. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the predictive ability of the dimensions of illness representations and quality of life. Results: This study has provided insights about the relationship between behavioral attributions and quality of life (mental component score in the considered sample (r = -0.45). Therefore, it has proved that there is an effect of behavioral attributions on the mental components score (R2 = 0.2ʹ). Conclusion: The results of the study did show the role of the illness representations (behavioral attributions) and of the adaptation of the performance of the patient, but did not reveal the different representations that contribute to the prediction of health-related quality of life; this allows us is to try to support some of the approaches to psychotherapy interventions by answering the tests used in the study questions.Item Political Changes In Algeria And The Journalist’s Professional Performance(Journal of Rights and Political Sciences .Volume : 10.Numéro : 2. P P : 1139-1150, 2023-06-07) Dahmani Souhaila; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةAbstract : This study seeks to shed light on the performance of the Algerian journalist who was closely associated with the political changes in Algeria. Since the independence in 1962, the political scene has seen a series of facts and events; in which a group of presidents took part in each stage; the speeches were addressed to the journalist. until 1988, under the one-party system, the journalist practiced his profession as a defender of the revolution’s ideology as its official spokesman. The official speech did not ask the journalist to be smart or not even know how to write but he was asked only to be part of the struggle and the defense of the socialist revolution . As for the beginning of political pluralism in 1990, which resulted in media pluralism, the official press considered it to be the struggler the national and the state help, that keeps him away from the profession and close to the political slogans. الملخص بالعربية : تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على أداء الصحفي الجزائري الذي ارتبط ارتباطا وثيقا بجملة التغيرات السياسة في الجزائر فمنذ الاستقلال سنة 1962عرفت الساحة السياسية جملة من الوقائع و الأحداث ، تقلد من خلالها الحكم مجموعة من الرؤساء في كل مرحلة حملت خطابات موجهة للصحفي فإلى غاية 1988 في ظل نظام الحزب الواحد، مارس الصحفي مهنته كموظف مناضل مدافع عن أيديولوجية الثورة و ناطقا رسميا لها ، فالخطاب الرسمي لم يطلب من الصحفي أن يكون ذكيا و لا حتى أن يعرف كيف يكتب و لكن كان يطلب منه سوى أن يكون في اطار النضال و الدفاع عن الثورة الاشتراكية، أما مع بداية التعددية السياسية في سنة 1990 التي نتجت عنها تعددية إعلامية حيث اعتبرت الخطابات الرسمية الصحفي على انه المكافح و الوطني و عون الدول،في حين عرفت الساحة الإعلامية مند 2019 الى غاية اليوم صحفيين مرتبطين ارتباطا وثيقا بالإشهار باعتباره وسيلة ضغط من قبل السلطة.Item Pollution par les Déchets d’Activité de Soins à Risques Infectieux (D.A.S.R.I) : Impact et insertion social des sujets atteints d'hépatite C Étude pratique a –Khenchela- Algérie.(مجلة علوم الانسان و المجتمع دورية دولية محكمة تصدرها كلية العلوم الانسانية و الاجتماعية . المجلد: 4 ، العدد: 4 . ص ص : 35 -66, 2015-12-10) Linda Chenafi; Amar Mabrouki; Faculté des sciences humaines et sociales, Université Khenchela AlgérieRésumé Cet article a pour but d'exposer les risques des Déchets d'Activité de Soins à Risque Infectieux (DASRI) sur l'homme et l'environnement notamment sa liaison avec la propagation de la maladie d'Hépatite virale C dans la ville de Khenchela (Algérie), contenant un nombre considérable de malades atteints de cette pathologie et son impact sur l'insertion de ces malades dans leur milieu social, Pour cette raison on a basée sur le repérage de la prise en charge socio-thérapeutique en s'appuyant sur l'approche sociologique d'Emile durkheim ,Max weber et les écrits de louis wirth sur l'exclusion social. الملخص : يهدف هذا المقال إلى توضيح مخاطر النفايات الصحية على الفرد والمحيط وارتباطها بانتشار عدوى مرض التهاب الكبدي الفيروسي ) C ( بمدينة خنشلة ،)الجزائر( والتي تحوي على عدد معتبر من المصابين بهذا المرض والذي يؤثر على اندماجهم الاجتماعي ، لهذا الغرض اعتمدنا على التكفل العلاجي والاجتماعي للمصابين من خلال المقاربة السوسيولوجية لايميل دوركايم ، ماكس فيبر ولوي وارث حول التهميش والاندماج الاجتماعItem Psychometric Testing of an Arabic Translation of the Revised-Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) for Chronic Illness Patients(Malays J Med Sci.; 24 (4) : pp 74–85, 2017-08) Salah Aberkane; Faculty of Human and Social Science, University of Khenchela, AlgeriaAbstract Background: Researchers lack a properly validated instrument to measure perceptions of chronic disease in Arabic language contexts. This study aimed to adapt and validate the RevisedIllness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) for Arabic speaking chronic illness patients. Methods: A cross-sectional design was conducted to examine the psychometric properties of the adapted English version of the IPQ-R for Arabic speaking chronic illness patients. The study instrument was an Arabic version of the IPQ-R prepared through a translation process. The reliability and validity of the instrument were assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Three hundred and sixteen participants (ages 16–79) from the Batna region in Algeria completed the IPQ-R. Results: A total of 316 (100%) patients responded to this study. Regarding internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha a coefficient was consistently higher than 0.45. Several areas of fit were identified and substantial changes to the measurement model were made, such as the deletion of 22 items from the original 38 -item IPQ-R and two items from the original 18 causal items this accounted for 64.63% of the total variance, and the respecification of indicators had to be applied to achieve acceptable model fit. The final model consists of two sections: The 16– item Arabic IPQ-R, which had a good fit; (CMIN/Df = 1.30, P < 0.001, CFI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.08, SRMR = 0.03), and was similar to the Arabic 16 causal items (CMIN/DF = 1.11, P < 0.001, CFI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.080, SRMR = 0.02). Conclusion: The factor structure concurred with prior finding despite differences to the type of sample and cultural considerations that might explain these findings. Replication of this study in Algerian patients with specific illness, such as silicosis, breast cancer and multiple sclerosis. Further psychometric testing on other large samples is recommended.Item Quality Of Life Among Women With Chronic Renal Failure Disease(Tributaries journal For studies and scientific research in social and human sciences .Volume : 06 . Numéro : 03 .p p 1288-1298, 2022-12-01) Benkemchi Fouzia; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةAbstract : Chronic kideny disease is one of the common chronic diseases that have led to many deaths globally. Where this study aimed to know the level of quality of life for female patients with chronic renal failure. The descriptive method was adopted. The sample consisted of 35 women with chronic kidenydisease and undergoing renal dialysis in the University Hospital of Benflis Tohami in Batna and The health sector Suleiman Omairat in Barika. The sample age ranged from 20-60. The study tool was : The quality of life questionnaire (MOS SF-36). The study result is : There is a low level of quality of life for women with chronic kidenydisease.Thus, Clinician psychologists, health psychologists, physicians and researchers may benefit from this study’s results by understanding the impact of bad health conditions among chronic renal disease patient especially in light of these changes that occur in their life and work to improve their quality of life.Item SARS-CoV-2 delta variant : A literature review(Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) Volume 9, Supplément 1 : pp 8-12, 2022-01-25) Salah Aberkane; Faculty of Human and Social Science, University of Khenchela, AlgeriaABSTRACT The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 is causing more health, economic and social issues worldwide. As of July 5, 2021, the world registered more than 184 million cases across 222 countries; more than 4 million have died from the deadly infection. The SARSCoV-2 continues spreading globally; new variants emerge randomly due to errors in the virus' gRNAs replication process. The present paper treats the new delta variant of concern, also known as B.1.617.2 lineage. The study highlights transmissibility, vaccine effectiveness, pathogenicity, and the likelihood of hospital admission related to delta variant infection based on a literature review of 10 indexed databases. The findings indicate high transmissibility of the B.1.617.2 lineage, approving it to be the dominant strain worldwide. Also, reduced vaccine effectiveness is confirmed. However, approved vaccines for emergency use remain valuable against COVID-19's delta variant. Finally, the risk of hospitalization seems to be twice in the case of delta variant infection. A combined approach of vaccination and nonpharmaceutical interventions is the leading way to contain the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. RÉSUMÉ La pandémie actuelle de COVID-19 cause de nombreux enjeux sanitaires, économiques et sociaux dans le monde entier. Au 5 juillet 2021, le globe a enregistré plus de 184 millions de cas dans 222 pays ; plus de 4 millions de personnes sont mortes de cette infection létale. Le SRAS-CoV-2 continue de se propager dans le monde ; de nouvelles variantes apparaissent de manière aléatoire suite à des erreurs dans le processus de réplication des ARNg du virus. Le présent article traite le sujet de la nouvelle variante delta préoccupante, également connue sous le nom de souche B.1.617.2. L'étude met en évidence la transmissibilité, l'efficacité du vaccin, la pathogénicité et la probabilité d'admission à l'hôpital liées à l'infection par la variante delta, à partir d'une analyse documentaire de 10 bases de données indexées. Les résultats indiquent une transmissibilité élevée de la lignée B.1.617.2, ce qui en fait la souche dominante dans le monde. L'efficacité réduite des vaccins est également confirmée. Cependant, les vaccins approuvés pour une utilisation en urgence restent valables contre la variante delta de COVID-19. Enfin, le risque d'hospitalisation semble être doublé en cas d'infection par le variant delta. Une approche combinée de vaccination et des interventions non pharmaceutiques est la meilleure façon de contenir la pandémie actuelle de COVID-19.Item Self-Care Behavior and Performance Level Associated with Algerian Chronically Ill Patients(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences Vol:13, No:3,, 2019) Salah Aberkane; Faculty of Human and Social Science, University of Khenchela, AlgeriaAbstract Chronic illnesses affect many Algerians. It is possible to investigate the impact of illness representations and coping on quality of life and whether illness representations are indirectly associated with quality of life through their influence on coping. This study aims at investigating the relationship between illness perception, coping strategies and quality of life with chronic illness. Illness perceptions are indirectly associated with the quality of life through their influence on coping mediation. A sample of 316 participants with chronic illness living in the region of Batna, Algeria, has been adopted in this study. A correlation statistical analysis is used to determine the relationship between illness perception, coping strategies, and quality of life. Multiple regression analysis was employed to highlight the predictive ability of the dimensions of illness perception and coping strategies on the dependent variables of quality of life, where mediation analysis is considered in the exploration of the indirect effect significance of the mediator. This study provides insights about the relationship between illness perception, coping strategies and quality of life in the considered sample (r = 0.39, p < 0.01). Therefore, it proves that there is an effect of illness identity perception, external and medical attributions related to emotional role, physical functioning, and mental health perceived, and these were fully mediated by the asking for assistance (c’= 0.04, p < 0.05), the guarding (c’= 0.00, p < 0.05), and the task persistence strategy (c’= 0.05, p < 0.05). The findings imply partial support for the common-sense model of illness representations in a chronic illness population. Directions for future research are highlighted, as well as implications for psychotherapeutic interventions which target unhelpful beliefs and maladaptive coping strategies (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy).Item Self-management in older adults with chronic illness: Do illness representations play a regulatory role?(Global Journal of Guidance and Counseling in Schools: Current Perspectives . Volume 8 , Issue 2 , pp 50-57, 2018) Salah Aberkane; Faculty of Human and Social Science, University of Khenchela, AlgeriaAbstract A greater number of older adults now live with chronic illness. This poses a significant public health problem because older adults are at high risk for chronic illness-related mortality and morbidity. In the study, for self-management in older adults with chronic illness, 76 respondents (39.47% women; mean age, 64.53 ± 6.93 years) participated and nine subscales (illness consequences, illness coherence, illness timeline—cyclical, personal control, treatment control, illness representations, illness identity and causal attributions) of the illness perception questionnaire—revised (IPQ-R) were administered. Multivariable linear regression analyses explored the associations between illness perception, wellness-focused coping and illness-focused coping, as measured by chronic pain coping inventory. Higher scores on the subscales causal attributions, illness coherence, illness representations and personal control scales were associated with several scores of coping strategies chosen by chronically ill older persons. This self-regulatory model may provide a useful guide for the development of effective interventions tailored to older adults.Item Sports Media Campaigns And The Phenomenon Of Violence In Algerian Stadiums(Journal of Social and Human Science Studies .Volume : 13 .Numéro : 1 . P P : 655-664, 2024-01-16) Dahmani Souhaila; كلية العلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلةAbstract : This study aims to provide an analytical reading of the role of sports media in reducing the phenomenon of violence in Algeria, especially since Algeria embraced the event of CHAN after the World Cup in Qatar, where the latter painted a good image of its good organization of the World Cup. Therefore, all eyes were on the Algerian stadiums, which were under comparison, especially since Qatar did not record any mistakes in front of internal or external audiences. Through this study, we analyzed a television show concerning the matter, through which we wanted to know how the program marketed the championship and how the media contributed to the rejection of violence in the stadiums. The study found that the program was neutral in conveying the atmosphere of the matches while trying to paint a good mental image in the minds of supporters with good management and preparation for the tournament. It also strongly denounced the immoral act that touched the international player Madjer, while all those in the studio tried to instill sportsmanship in supporters after the local national team lost the game after reaching the final. الملخص بالعربية : تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تقديم قراءة تحليلية لدور الاعلام الرياضي في الحد من ظاهرة العنف في الجزائر خاصة وان الجزائر احتضنت بطولة الشأن بعد كاس العالم في قطر اين رسمت هذه الأخيرة صورة جيدة عن حسن تنظيمها للكاس ،لهذا فقد توجهت كل الأنظار صوب الملاعب الجزائرية التي وقعت تحت المقارنة خاصة و ان قطر لم تسجل ولا خطا امام المشاهد الداخلي او الخارجي لهذا ومن خلال هذه الدراسة التي قمنا من خلالها بتحليل حصة في الشأن التي اردنا من خلالها معرفة كيف سوق البرنامج للبطولة و كيف ساهم الاعلام في نبذ العنف داخل الملاعب ،هذا وقد توصلت الدراسة ان البرنامج كان محايدا في نقل أجواء المباريات في حين حاول أن يرسم صورة ذهنية جيدة في اذهان المناصرين بحسن التسيير و الاستعداد للبطولة ،كما انه ندد بقوة الفعل اللاأخلاقي الذي طال اللاعب الدولي ماجر ،في حين ان كل من في البلاطو حاولوا غرس الروح الرياضية في نفوس الأنصار بعد خسارة الفريق الوطني للمحليين بعد وصوله للنهائي.Item Strategies of Civil Society Organizations in Encouraging Youth Participation in Algerian Political Life(The journal of El-Ryssala for studies and research in humanities : Volume : 09 / No : 01 ./ April 2024. pp 95-104, 2024-04-30) Achouri ChoukriAbstract: Civil society organizations in Algeria are regarded as active members in engaging and building Algerian society. The youth's disaffection to engage in political participation has its causes from their perspective. With all their social movements, civil society organizations have played a role in consolidating political participation among Algerian youth. In addition to the diversity of its organizations, our study focuses on the concept of civil society and its theoretical approach. It also determines its role in fostering political participation among Algerian youth with higher education degrees. This is mainly relevant given the reasons behind the lack of political participation. The study aims to achieve empowerment goals to reaffirm the principle of advocating for political, social, and cultural rights and promoting democratic principles.Item Study of safety culture in healthcare institutions : case of an Algerian hospital(International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance Vol. 32 No. 7, pp. 1-19, 2019) Salah Aberkane; Faculty of Human and Social Science, University of Khenchela, Algeria.Abstract : Purpose – For many years, the concept of safety culture has attracted researchers from all over the world, and more particularly in the area of healthcare services. The purpose of this paper is to measure safety culture dimensions in order to improve and promote healthcare in Algeria. Design/methodology/approach – The used approach consists of getting a better understanding of healthcare safety culture (HSC) by measuring the perception of healthcare professionals in order to guide promotion actions. For this, the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire was used in a pilot hospital setting where it was distributed on a number of 114 health professionals chosen by stratified random sampling. Findings – The results showed that the identified priority areas for HSC improvement help in establishing a trust culture and a non-punitive environment based on the system and not on the individual. Originality/value – Safety is recognized as a key aspect of service quality, thus measuring the HSC can help establish an improvement plan. In Algerian health facilities, this study is considered the first to examine perceptions in this particular area. The current results provide a baseline of strengths and opportunities for healthcare safety improvement, allowing the managers of this type of facilities to take steps that are more effective.