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Fault Diagnosis of Industrial Systems Utilizing Meta-Heuristic Techniques
(2024) Abd-Errahim Falek Houssem-Eddine Bezza
In this research, we employ the Enhanced Discrete Grey Wolf Optimization (EDGWO) algorithm to identify faults in a simulated Photovoltaic (PV) power plant. Our objective is to enhance fault detection accuracy and efficiency by utilizing a novel movement algorithm that optimizes the path for grey wolves. Given the growing importance of Photovoltaic power plants in sustainable energy production, reliable fault detection mechanisms are crucial to ensure optimal system operation and longevity. The Enhanced Discrete Grey Wolf Optimization (EDGWO) algorithm is an improved iteration of the conventional Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm, specifically tailored for discrete binary optimization challenges. In our work, the grey wolves symbolize potential solutions for fault detection, where each wolf’s position is encoded as a rule classification vector. Each element in this vector corresponds to a specific parameter or feature within the PV power plant system. The optimization process seeks to identify the optimal feature combination that maximizes fault detection accuracy while minimizing false alarms.
Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Level Detection Using Deep Learning
(2024) Ben Othmane Sami
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous fields of scientific research by offering innovative solutions to complex challenges. The healthcare sector is no exception. Diabetes, a prevalent condition both globally and in Algeria, often leads to a severe complication known as diabetic retinopathy. This condition can blur or distort vision and is a major cause of blindness. Early detection of diabetic retinopathy is crucial for effective treatment. Recent advancements in AI, especially in deep learning, provide promising solutions for predicting, diagnosing, and managing various diseases in their early stages. In our master project, we develop a robust system for detecting the levels of diabetic retinopathy using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) enhanced with specific adaptations to improve performance. Leveraging a pre-trained CNN model, we introduce tailored adjustments to parameters that optimize the network for our dataset and the particular nuances of DR detection. Furthermore, we implement multi-label classification to address the complex and overlapping features of diabetic retinopathy stages. This approach allows our model to capture and represent the intricate patterns in retinal images more effectively than traditional single-label methods. Our experimental results demonstrate that this combined strategy significantly enhances the accuracy and reliability of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) level detection. This project emphasizes the Importance of Machine learning and Deep learning techniques in healthcare, offering a promising tool for clinicians in the fight against diabetic eye diseases. .
Conception d’une application pour l'adaptation de document multimédia dans le domaine de E-learning
(2024) MERDACI Aya tellah
Ce mémoire propose une approche innovante pour améliorer l'expérience d'apprentissage en ligne en concevant une application pour l'adaptation de documents multimédia. L'Elearning est une forme de formation en ligne qui utilise les technologies informatiques pour offrir des cours et des ressources éducatives. Cependant, l'un des principaux défis dans ce domaine est l'adaptation des documents multimédias pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des utilisateurs. Cette application permettra aux utilisateurs de personnaliser les contenus multimédias en fonction de leurs besoins et préférences, améliorant ainsi l'expérience d'apprentissage en ligne. Pour atteindre cet objectif, l'application collecte des informations sur l'utilisateur, analyse les caractéristiques du contenu multimédia et adapte ce contenu en conséquence. Le mémoire présente une analyse détaillée de la conception et de la mise en œuvre de cette application, ainsi que des résultats de tests et des perspectives d'avenir.
التحول الرقمي وإعادة تشكيل ثقافةالمؤسسةالجزائرية -دراسةميدانيةببلدية المحمل ولاية خنشلة
(كلية العلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية جامعة عباس لغرور خنشلة, 2024) نبيلة بوزيان; تحت إشراف الأستاذة : د/طباع ريمة
الملخص : تعالج الدراسةموضوع التحول الرقمي و إعادة تشكيل ثقافة المؤسسة بإحدى بلديات ولاية خنشلة – بلدية المحمل- و ذلك بالتركيز على دراسة التحول الرقمي و ثقافة المؤسسة داخل البلدية، و محاولة الكشف عن الدور و الأثر الذي يحدثه التحول الرقمي داخل المؤسسة و بالأخص ثقافة العمل السائدة داخلها و العادات و القيم التي يتجلى بها الأفراد و تدور إشكالية الدراسة حول التحول الرقمي داخل البلدية، ميدان الدراسة و ثقافة هذه الأخيرة،و هل يؤدي التحول الرقمي إلى إعادة تشكيل ثقافتها و هذا من خلال تحديد مجموعة من التساؤلات حول طبيعة العلاقة التي تجمع متغيرات الدراسة و التأكيد على ما يحدثه التحول الرقمي على ثقافة المؤسسة. وقد ترجمت هذه التساؤلات في شكل فرضية عامة تندرج ضمنها فرضيتين. و التي توصلنا من خلالها إلى أن التحول الرقمي أدى و يؤدي بشكل كبير إلى إعادة تشكيل ثقافة المؤسسة خاصة في ظل يعرضه التطور التكنولوجي الذي يستدعي إدراج التحول الرقمي ضمن المؤسسات التنظيمية. ولتحقيق أهداف البحث تم انجاز دراسة ميدانية ببلدية المحمل بولاية خنشلة، و طبقت الدراسة على 15 مبحوث و ذلك من خلال توزيع استمارة استبيان شملت ثلاث محاور: الأول عن البيانات العامةللمبحوثين* الثاني حول التحول الرقمي و الثقافة الاتصالية* الثالث عن التحول الرقمي و القيم و المعتقدات السائدة داخل البلدية* معتمدين في ذلك على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي بالإضافة إلى الطريقة الإحصائية في تحليل الموضوع وقد أثبت النتائج المتوصل إليها على أن التحول الرقمي يؤدي إلى إعادةتشكيل ثقافةالمؤسسةبشكل كبير* التحول الرقمي ساهم على تبني ثقافةاتصالية جديدةداخل المؤسسة* التحول الرقمي ساهم بنسبة كبيرة في تغير القيم و المعتقدات،وهذا ما أثبتته نتائج هذه الدراسةوبنسبة* كبيرة Abstract : The survey addresses the subject of digital transformation and the culture reshaping of institution in one of Khenchela state's municipality ; which is Elmahmal and that on focusing on the survey of the digital transformation and institution's culture in the municipality and trying to discover the role and the impact which is making by the digital transformation inside the institution exactly the dominating culture inside it.In addition to customs and values that each individuals possess. And the issue of the survey is about the digital transformation inside the institution ; field of survey and the culture of this latter and does the digital transformation lead to re-establishing or reshaping its culture. And this form selecting a group of questionnaire about the nature of relationship, which collects the survey changes and infuses on what does the digital transformation on institution's culture and these enquiries were translated as a general hypothesis that graduates from it two hypotheses which have come that the digital transformation have led and leads in general into reshaping the institution's culture especially behind what is representing by the technology development which insists the insertion the digital transformation within regulatory institutions. And this form selecting a group of enquiries about the nature of relationship, which collects the survey changes and infuses on what does the digital transformation on institution's culture and these enquiries were translated as a general hypothesis that graduates from it two hypotheses which have come that the digital transformation have led and leads in general into reshaping the institution's culture especially behind what is representing by the technology development which insists the insertion the digital transformation within regulatory institutions. And to achieve the goals ofresearch a field study is done in Elmahmal town/ khenchela state. And the survey was applied fifty employees from the distribution of form, which includes three elements ; the first was about general Data to the respondent's. And the second was about the digital transformation the the connection culture and the third was about the digital transformation, values and the dominating belifs inside the municipality, based on the descriptive analytical approach.In addition to statistics method in the analysing of the subject. And the results have proved, we have come to that the digital transformation leads to reshaping the institution's culture in general. The digital transformation helps to adopt new connection culture inside the institution. The digital transformation hascontributed a lot in the changing of values and beliefs and this what has the results of this survey proven to a large extent.
Simulation de l’effet des défauts dans une cellule solaire à base de Silicium
(2024) TAOULILIT Dhaouia
L’énergie solaire représente la source la plus abondante parmi toutes les énergies renouvelables, car un faible pourcentage du rayonnement solaire que reçoit la Terre est suffisant pour couvrir tous les besoins énergétiques mondiaux. Cette énergie est exploitée grâce à des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques qui convertissent la lumière du soleil en énergie électrique. Nous avons souligné les propriétés les plus importantes du silicium ainsi que la méthode de fabrication. Nous avons fourni une définition de l'effet photoélectrique et des caractéristiques les plus importantes des cellules solaires qui fonctionnent en conséquence. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons réalisé une simulation numérique des propriétés électriques d'une cellule solaire n-p en silicium cristallin à l'aide du logiciel de simulation SCAPS, dans le but de :  connaître l'effet de la température sur les propriétés électriques d'une cellule solaire n-p en silicium cristallin silicium.  Connaître l'effet de la concentration en dopants de type p et de type n, ainsi que l'effet des défauts sur les caractéristiques électriques d'une cellule solaire en silicium cristallin. En conclusion de ce travail, on peut dire :  La température affecte clairement les performances de la cellule solaire, car une augmentation de la température entraîne une diminution du rendement.  L'augmentation de la concentration de dopants de type p et n conduit à un rendement plus élevé de cette cellule.  Lorsque la concentration de défauts dans la cellule augmente, la valeur des Caractéristiques électriques de la cellule solaire diminue, et donc le rendement de la cellule diminue en conséquence